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Innovative formulations equal world-class results

We’ve worked closely with plastics manufacturers for over 20 years to provide world-leading solutions for moisture control.

Our deep market and application knowledge, expert team, and global network of distribution partners have helped us become one of the world’s leading global providers for moisture control solutions.

The Masterox® Masterbatch range of desiccants is specially formulated to prevent visible extrusion breakout and surface defects, reducing specks, lumps and streaking in production caused by unwanted moisture in the finished product.

We’ve conducted extensive testing on all of our products with external laboratories (such as Artis and ACE Consultants) and can provide you with test reports upon request. We can also provide reference customer details within your own field of application. Contact us for more information.

Masterox® R Masterbatch Range

Masterox R® boasts industry leading moisture removal and exceptional dispersion, which improves production output and reduces cost.

Compare the difference using the slider below.

Particle without MasteroxParticles with Masterox

Masterox® Colour

Introducing the new Masterox® Colour bespoke masterbatches, bringing excellent colour matching and improvements to your plastic compounds.

Find out more about this in our latest article.

Enhanced recycling

Recycled plastics are notorious for containing high levels of unwanted moisture, which is not desirable. Masterox® Masterbatch is specifically designed to remove moisture content and provide consistent production.

We partner with industry's best

We’re partnered with universities, external testing consultants and some of the industry’s biggest names to create industry-leading moisture control solutions.

Our unique solutions control moisture without heating, using less energy and giving faster high-quality results, without extrusion blow-out, surface defects, or blemishes. And thanks to the high speed of our solutions, drying times are significantly reduced, boosting production capability.



MasterOx® Masterbatch Granule Range

MasterOx® Colour Masterbatch Granule Range

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Innovative formulations equal world-class results

Plastic tubing stacked
We’ve worked closely with plastics manufacturers for over 20 years to provide world-leading solutions for moisture control.
Our deep market and application knowledge, expert team, and global network of distribution partners have helped us become one of the world’s leading global providers for moisture control solutions.
The Masterox® Masterbatch range of desiccants is specially formulated to prevent visible extrusion breakout and surface defects, reducing specks, lumps and streaking in production caused by unwanted moisture in the finished product.
We’ve conducted extensive testing on all of our products with external laboratories (such as Artis and ACE Consultants) and can provide you with test reports upon request. We can also provide reference customer details within your own field of application. Contact us for more information.

Masterox® R Masterbatch Range

Masterox R® boasts industry leading moisture removal and exceptional dispersion, which improves production output and reduces cost.
Compare the difference using the slider below.Particle without MasteroxParticles with Masterox

Masterox® Colour

Introducing the new Masterox® Colour bespoke masterbatches, bringing excellent colour matching and improvements to your plastic compounds.
Find out more about this in our latest article.Read the Article

Enhanced recycling

Recycled plastics are notorious for containing high levels of unwanted moisture, which is not desirable. Masterox® Masterbatch is specifically designed to remove moisture content and provide consistent production.

We partner with industry’s best

We’re partnered with universities, external testing consultants and some of the industry’s biggest names to create industry-leading moisture control solutions.
Our unique solutions control moisture without heating, using less energy and giving faster high-quality results, without extrusion blow-out, surface defects, or blemishes. And thanks to the high speed of our solutions, drying times are significantly reduced, boosting production capability.


AgriculturalAnaerobic DigestionBattery MineralsBuilding & ConstructionCargo, Storage & PackingChemicalsElastomers (Rubber)Energy & Emissions TreatmentFood & BeveragePaperPetroleum AdditivesPlasticsSteel & MetalsWater Treatment


MasterOx® Solutions for Moisture Control in Plastics


MasterOx® Masterbatch Granule Range
MasterOx® Colour Masterbatch Granule Range